Jenkins in Action: Automate, Test, Deploy

Jenkins in Action: Automate, Test, Deploy

Jenkins is an open-source automation server that enables developer/DevOps/Tester to automate various stages of their software development process.

  1. Continuous Integration - Integrate code changes from multiple developers into single repo.

  2. Continuous Deployment - Automate deployment of code changes to production.

Source Code - Java

Port - 8080

  • Open port 8080 on EC2

Security group- select wizard - edit inbound rule - add rule 8080

Step 1: Install and Start Jenkins

  1. Create EC2 instance with ubuntu server and connect to local

  2. Ensure Jenkins is installed on your Ubuntu system.

  3. sudo apt update

  4. sudo apt install fontconfig openjdk-17-jre

  5. java -version

  6. sudo get -0 /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc \

  7. echo "deb [signed-by=/us/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring-asc]" \ binary/ | sudo tee \
    /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list › /dev/null

  8. sudo apt-get update

  9. sudo apt-get install jenkins

Access Jenkins at http://<your-server-ip>:8080.

Step 2: Unlock Jenkins

1. Retrieve the initial admin password:

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

2. Copy the password, paste it into the Jenkins web interface, and proceed.

Step 3: Install Plugins

1. On the setup screen, choose “Install suggested plugins” to get the default set of plugins.

Step 4: Set Up Jenkins

1. Create an admin user and finish the configuration.

Scenario: You cloned a repository, but the next build fails because the folder already exists.


  1. Delete the folder using

rm -rf shellscripts

and then re-clone it with

git clone

  1. You can choose default option - Build environment- Delete workspace before build starts

Choice parameter

The Choice Parameter in Jenkins allows users to select a value from a predefined list of options before triggering a build.

This is useful for providing controlled inputs, ensuring consistency, and reducing errors in build configurations.

Dashboard-job- Configuration - This project is parameterised -Choice parameter

Name - multiple choices - save

In execute shell - command to execute - save

Select choice you want - Build

String parameter

The String Parameter in Jenkins is used to pass user-defined input as a string to a build.

It allows you to customize builds dynamically by providing specific data during the build execution.

Dashboard-job- Configuration - This project is parameterised -String parameter

Discard Old builds

The Discard Old Builds option in Jenkins is used to automatically delete older build data to save disk space and improve performance. It allows you to set limits on how many builds or how long builds should be retained.

Max number of builds to keep: Number of most recent builds to retain -> 5(recent builds)

Max number of days to keep builds: Age limit for builds (in days) -> 10

System message

Steps to Add a System Message

1. Log in to Jenkins as an administrator.

2. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System.

3. Look for the System Message section near the top.

4. Enter your message in the text box (e.g., announcements, maintenance schedules, or warnings).

• You can use plain text or basic HTML for formatting.

5. Click Save.

No of executors - 2

2 jobs at one time can run remaining will be in queue

Quiet period

Jenkins will take 5 seconds time to start new job build

Jenkins Weather Icons and Meanings:

1. Sunny (☀): All recent builds are successful and stable.

2. Partly Cloudy (⛅): Some instability, but mostly successful builds.

3. Cloudy (☁): Increased instability; recent builds frequently fail.

4. Rainy (🌧): Many recent builds are failing.

5. Stormy (⛈): Severe instability; builds are consistently failing.

View -

View in Jenkins that differentiate environments like Dev, UAT, and Prod, you can organize your jobs into separate views based on their environment.

Configure maven

apt install maven

mvn —version -> here you will get home path


You will get maven version in Console output

Best way to clone repository on jenkins

Choose specific branch


Manage user and permissions

Matrix-based security

in Jenkins allows you to define fine-grained permissions for users and groups at both global and project levels. It provides a tabular format where you assign permissions (like read, build, configure, etc.) to specific users or groups.

Project-Based Authorization Strategy

in Jenkins is used to restrict access to specific projects, enhance security, enable multi-team collaboration, and enforce compliance by allowing fine-grained control over who can access or modify individual jobs.

Role based authentication

To implement role-based authentication in Jenkins, you need to install and configure the Role-Based Authorization Strategy plugin. Below are the detailed steps:

1. Install the Role-Based Authorization Strategy Plugin

2. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins.

3. Under the Available tab, search for the Role-Based Authorization Strategy plugin.

4. Select it and click Install without restart.

5. Wait for the installation to complete.

Manage Roles

1. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage and Assign Roles.

2. You will see two options:

• Manage Roles

• Assign Roles

Assign Roles

1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage and Assign Roles > Assign Roles.

2. Assign roles to users or groups:

• Global Roles: Assign global roles (e.g., admin, viewer) to specific users or groups.

• Item Roles: Assign roles for specific jobs or folders.

3. Add users or groups in the User/group to add field and assign them roles.

4. Click Save.

Manage Roles

1. Click on Manage Roles.

2. Define global roles (e.g., admin, developer, viewer) and project-specific roles.

• Global Roles: These apply to the entire Jenkins instance. Example permissions:

• Admin: All permissions.

• Viewer: Only Read access.

• Item Roles: These apply to specific projects.

3. Assign permissions to each role by checking the appropriate boxes.

4. Click Save.

Test the Configuration

1. Log in with a user account to ensure the assigned roles and permissions work as expected.

2. Verify that users only have access to the resources and operations allowed by their roles.

Build Triggers

  1. Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts, java code, service now, python script) ->
    Monitoring -> CPU -> 70% -> Job trigger

  2. Build after other projects are built

  1. Build periodically


MINUTE Minutes within the hour (0-59) HOUR

The hour of the day (0-23) DOM

The day of the month (1-31) MONTH

The month (1-12) DOW

The day of the week (0-7) where 0 and 7 are Sunday.

Q. I want to run a job everyday at 7 AM.

0 7 *

Q. I want to run a job everyday at 2.30 PM.

30 14 *

Q. I want to run a job on weekend at 2.30 PM.

30 14 6,7

Q. I want to run a job on Weekdays at 2.30 PM.

30 14 1-5

Q. I want to run a job on Weekdays at 2.30 PM. month Jan and feb

30,40 1,2 * 1-5

Q. 15th of every month at 1PM to 4PM only on saturday Or sunday.

0 13-16 15 * 6,7

Q. Mon to friday 11.30 AM and 10.45 PM not in Dec

30 11 * 1-11 1-5

45 22 * 1-11 1-5

If you have two different time slot make different cron

  1. GitHub Hook trigger for GITscm poll

The “GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling” is used in Jenkins to automatically trigger builds when changes are pushed to a GitHub repository.

  1. Poll scm

Poll SCM means Jenkins will regularly check your code repository (like GitHub) to see if there are any changes. If Jenkins finds a change, it will automatically start a new build.

It won’t build if repository doesn’t have changes


It is used in Java.

Source code is not deployable hence we need to convert it into artifact format like jar, war, ear etc

Maven - /Ant/Graddle

  • Maven uses convention over configuration, which means developers are not required to create build process themselves

  • Our java project need diff lab and dependencies that need to be downloaded from internet mvn_ all(repo)

  • Maven will provide you pom. xml

  • Maven will provide you a project structure


  1. Dependency - Downloading 3rd party jar or lab

  2. Plugin Configuration

GAV - Group ID

Artifact ID


  • Example-


‹ modelVersion>4.0.0‹/modelVersion>

< groupId>com. mycompany -app</groupId> < artifactId>my-app</artifactId>



‹ plugin›


< artifactId>sonar-maven-plugin</artifactId>




‹ dependencies>

‹ dependency>

< groupId>junit</groupId>




‹/ dependencies>


Maven Goal/ Maven lifecycle -

  1. Validate - Validation of project. if everything is correct and all necessary information

  2. Compile - Compile the source code of the project.

  3. Test - Test the compiled code using suitable unit testing framework.
    NOTE - These test should not requires the code to be packaged.

  4. Package - Take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format.
    Like JAR, WAR and EAR

  5. Verify - Run any check on result of integration test to ensure quality criteria.

  6. Install - Install packages into local repo, for use as a dependency in another project

  7. Deploy - Done in the build env, copies the final package to the remote repo for sharing
    with another developers and projects.

Master Slave architecture

When you scripts for different OS like ubuntu, amazon linux etc

To manage those scripts you need to use master slave architecture.

If your Jenkins is overloaded, Jenkins distribute all its workloads to slave nodes

Here you need to create one master and other slaves and configure them with credentials

  • Steps to achieve Master slave architecture

Create two EC2 instances- jenkins master(ununtu) and node-1(amazon linux)

Connect master with local and install java, Jenkins

Login to jenkins

Create node in Jenkins master and configure with credentials for communication of master slave

Dashboard-Manage jenkins - Nodes - new node - give name and permanent agent - save

No of executors - 2

pwd to get current directory of node 1

Launch method - Launch agent via SSH

Host - DNS of node 1(EC2)

Here we need to create credentials

Open in new tab

Dashboard- Manage Jenkins- Credentials- System- Global credentials

Kind - SSH username with private key

ID , description, username -> ec2-user

Private key - enter directly- paste key you selected while creating EC2 instance

Here credentials are created

Select credentials

Host key verification strategy- Manually trusted key verification strategy

Availability- Keep this agent online as much as possible - save

Launch agent

Install java on node-1 and agent will be online

Jenkins-Pipeline (Pipeline As a Code) -

  • Jenkins pipeline is a collection of plugin that helps launching build, test and deploy. in pipeline seq order.

  • In jenkins, a pipeline is a collection of events or jobs which are interlinked with one another in a sequence.

1. Scripted Pipeline-

  • A Scripted pipeline uses the groovy (JVM-based) lang to create a pipeline as a code

  • 1st version of pipeline as a code.

node {


stage (Build) {

sh "echo this is build stage"


stage (test) {

sh "echo this is Test stage"


stage (Deploy) {

sh "echo this is Deploy stage"

sh "Is -1rt"



2. Declarative Pipeline-

  • The declarative pipeline follows a relatively new syntax, which narrows the scope of pipeline.

  • On the technical front, the declarative syntax follows the conditional statements logic that generates a series of stages executing sequential throughout the pipeline lifecycle.

pipeline {

agent any


stage ('Build')

steps {

sh "echo This is build stage"

stage ( 'Test')

steps {

sh "echo This is test stage"

stage ('Deploy')


sh "echo This is deploy stage"




Steps to create declarative pipeline-

Dashboard- All -New item - Pipeline-OK

You can select Sample code as below

You can find builds as below

Create declarative pipeline to install nginx

Dashboard- All -New item - Pipeline-OK

Write nginx code as below - apply and save

Here we get error because Jenkins user is not added on server

To add user on server follow below commands

You need to add below entery in

jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL usermod -a -G root jenkins

Here you can check output as below

You can change default workspace path using declarative pipeline

Nginx Installation

You need to add below entery in /etc/sudoers file


//usermod -a -G root jenkins

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage ('install-nginx')


steps {

sh 'sudo apt update -y'

sh 'sudo apt install nginx -y'



stage ('deploy-index')


steps {

sh 'sudo echo "Welcome to Young Minds. Keep Learning!! Keep Growing!!" > index.html'

sh 'sudo mv index.html /var/www/html/index.html'



stage ('Nginx-stop')


steps {

sh 'sudo systemctl stop nginx'



stage ('Start-nginx')


steps {

sh 'sudo systemctl start nginx'




Parallel declarative pipeline

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage ('Parallel Stage'){

parallel {

stage ('Stage-1')



echo "Welcome to Young Minds!"

sleep 5



stage ('Stage-2')



echo "Keep Learning!!"

sleep 5



stage ('Stage-3')



echo "Keep Growing!!"

sleep 5







Parallel vs sequential

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage ('Parallel'){

parallel {

stage ('Stage-1')



echo "Welcome to Young Minds!"

sleep 5



stage ('Stage-2')



echo "Keep Learning!!"

sleep 5



stage ('Stage-3')



echo "Keep Growing!!"

sleep 5







steps {

echo "This is sequential stage 1."





steps {

echo "This is sequential stage 2."







agent any


stage('Build another job')


steps {

build 'job-name'





Workspace code

pipeline {


node {customWorkspace '/data/mypipeline'}


stages {

stage (create file){


sh 'touch NewFile'



